Friday, July 25, 2008

Silverbird Galleria

The Silverbird Galleria is home to Lagos' first multiplex cinema screens.It has five screens and several shops where the cream of Lagos shop.


  1. Hi!

    Very interesting blog! It's allways good to see images and read some news from places i've never been...

    Greetings from Lisbon.

  2. First, my apologies for a bit of cut and paste commenting. I have been doing the rounds via Bloglines and looking at all the pictures from my favourite photo blogs, but haven’t been leaving comments. Generally, I try to comment as much as I can (I know how good it is for ‘morale’ to know that someone is out there appreciating them), but after the birth of my second son, I am a bit knackered to think up something witty and insightful on the hop. Thus the resort to Control+C and Control+P!

    Kris from Hobart, Tasmania.

  3. Silverbird are coming to Accra soon at the Accra Mall!

  4. You may not control all the events that happen to you, but you can decide not to be reduced by them. See the link below for more info.

