Saturday, November 22, 2008

Do not despise them

It is election season in Ghana where I am at the moment and anything can happen during campaigns. This is just an example.


  1. The car has a heavy load of people and I admire them their ingenuity for using a stick to hold up the trunk lid.

    I think this is my first trip to your blog. I am in Brookville, Ohio and it is cold this morning – 13 degree Fahrenheit = -10.5555556 degree Celsius. If I were just walking past you on the street I would probably smile and nod my head. I hope you would too. LOL

  2. Wish I was there, must be an interesting time. I left Ghana about 7 months ago, I was there during the CAN 2008, also a time anything can happen. Did you take this picture in Tamale?

  3. That picture is classic. Sitting in the trunk was definately an attention grabber. Loving the theme of your btw. I really liked your Obama picture with all of you holding your obama newspapers. save might be worth something some day!

  4. wow hope elections go smooth oh and if you find anyone running with ballot boxes...pls take such pics oh.

  5. when people are happy, nothing can stop them as this pic shows. =)

  6. Good thoughts.

    I am not sure that I would have the nerve to travel like that!

  7. sooo...why are they waiving the Hungarian red/white/green flag? :)
