Inside the Galleria is Barcelos, a Portuguese-themed South African restaurant/snack bar that specialises in flame grilled chicken. Shot this image last Saturday as a couple leave holding hands. I just might have something for
couples. I need to get married, maybe.
Looks like one really cool place to be in!
In a different society they would have sued for 'invasion of privacy'
yummy...it looks enticing... how's the food though? ^-^
Marriage is a very serious business. My parents have been married for 37 years.
You get less for mass murder!
Very insightful and funny...
Nice chicken, come try it.
No ill intentions for taking the picture, you know.
It sure is!
Greegs from Johannesburg, South Africa and I like your blog. I would love to visit Lagos one of the days.
hey....i found your site and i really like it....so where are your new photos? why no updates? keep the cool pics coming....
A really nice place to visit, the young couple look happy to be there.
Greetings from New Zealand.
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