Friday, February 12, 2010

When the people marched...

Civil society groups marched out to protest the continued absence of the Nigerian president a couple of weeks ago in Lagos. This week, the outcry has paid off and his deputy has been installed in an official acting capacity. Who says that a little pressure in the right places does not work?

The people will not keep quiet until their lives are made better through life-improving policies.

Power to the people!


Leif Hagen said...

Glad to see you post again! Good government and good leaders are important for the benefit of all!
Happy weekend!

rLn! said...

What's the update regarding the march? Any lasting results? With the current economic downturns, how's Lagos dealing with it -- and what's the government doing about it...or is it business as usual -- maintaining its negative reputation of corruption and nepotism?

It's good that the regular folks are making themselves heard... and sometimes it takes news-worthy and aggressive actions like the march to cause a change. i'm glad that the police did not respond in a violent manner and i pray that your country's government will heed GOD in their decisions and remember that the people voted them in in the first place!